"I lost my heart in Heidelberg."

Student Profile

Name: Yizhu Wang

College: College of Foreign Languages

Class of 2017

Program at Heidelberg University,German

My Story

In the first semester of my third college year, I went to Heidelberg University for a half-year exchange study. Heidelberg University is rich in history and cultural background, where the teacher is very intellectual and knowledgeable. The class there is full of Germans' rigorousness and earnest. There are many resources and collections in the library of Heidelberg University, which is really a great treasure house of knowledge accumulated by mankind. What a palace of truth for all learners! The life there is very safe and inclusive, making it easy for everyone to fit in effortlessly.

All I learned there are mainly the courses relevant to domestic plans, including Intensive Course in German, Introduction to Linguistics, Reading and Writing, German and Economics, Translation Practice, Introduction of Germany, Visual Art and Language. In class, not only did I improve my ability of speaking by discussing with other students from other countries, I also noticed that the accent of students from different countries was diverse, as well as learning various culture. Besides, I have learned a lot of knowledge about European culture and art in the daily life and social activities, which broadened my horizons and mind.In such an environment that the native language is German, I finally could practice and use my German that I have learned for two years. In addition, my German level and all-round abilities also have been improved a lot.

The study and life in Heidelberg were so happy and unforgettable for me. I didn't really understand what Goethe had said – "Ich habe mein Herz in Heidelberg verloren." (I lost my heart in Heidelberg) until I got there.