Chen Hong

Chen Hong is Chair Professor at Nankai University. He also served as Executive Associate President of Nankai University, Director of Chinese Teaching Guidance Commission of Ministry of Education of the PRC, Vice Director of Expert Committee of Disciplines’ Development and Specialty Deployments of Ministry of Education of the PRC, Vice Director of Literacy Education Guiding Committee of Education of the PRC, etc. At present, he is the Vice Director of Academic Committee and Director of the Intercultural Communication Institute at Nankai University, President of Tianjin Federation of Literary and Art Circles (TJFLAC), President of Tianjin Liberal Arts Society, Chief Academic Supervisor of Tianjin Municipal Government, Adjunct Professor of many universities such as University of Regina (Canada), East China Normal University, Northeast Normal University, Harbin Institute of Technology, Director of the Academic Committee of Ancient Chinese Literature Research Base at Fudan University, Director of the Academic Committee of Chongqing Institute in Traditional Chinese Studies, editorial board member of journals such as Literary Heritage and Tianjin Social Sciences, Chief Editor of Literature and Culture Studies. 

He works on many academic respects, including traditional Chinese culture, classical Chinese literature, History of Chinese Literary Criticism, Theories of Chinese ancient fiction, the fiction of the Ming and Qing dynasties, literature and religion. His major publications include Destiny: the Relationship Between Literature and Religion, the Theoretic History of Chinese Novel, Jin Shengtan: A Biography, A Guide to Six Great Classical Novels of Chinese Literature, Buddhism and Chinese Classical Literature, Li Zhi, 《漫说水浒》, Finishing Touch, Brilliance Beneath Superficiality, 《沧海蠡得》, Exploration of Chinese Ancient Novel Art, 《雪鸿閒辑》, Wisdom of Life in I-Ching, 《四大奇书话题》, 《亦侠亦盗说水浒》, General History of Chinese Novel, History of Chinese Literature, 《中国古典文论读本》, College Chinese, 《诸子百家精编》, and Appreciation of Famous Sentences in Classical Poetry, etc.

His academic papers mainly include《从“林下”进入文本深处——<红楼梦>的互文解读》, 《〈红楼梦〉“水泥论”探源》, Brief Analysis of Cause-effect in the Story of the Stone, 《论〈红楼梦〉疯僧跛道的文化意蕴》, 《〈红楼梦〉脂批“囫囵语”说的理论意义》, Story of the Stone and Wu Jiang Xue, The Relation Between Quanzhen Taoism and Journey to the West, Continuation of the Relation Between Quanzhen Taoism and Journey to the West, 《从孙悟空的名号看<西游记> “全真化”环节》, Changes in Version of Religious Words and Journey to the West, 《牛魔王佛门渊源考论》, 《从须菩提看〈西游记〉的创作思路》, 《“弼马温”考辨》, 《论〈三国演义〉的诸葛范型及其文化意蕴》, Water Margin and Taoism,《〈水浒传〉李卓吾评本真伪辨》, 《李卓吾小说创作论述评》, 《金圣叹“张姓”说辨疑》, 《从〈沉吟楼诗选〉看金圣叹》, 《从“三境”说看金圣叹的思想渊源》, 《金批“忠恕”说论析》, 《钱谦益金圣叹“仙坛倡和”透视》, 《揣摩与体验——金圣叹易性写作及文学批评的心理分析》, 《〈金瓶梅〉人物四题》, 《〈天雨花〉性别意识论析》, 《〈聊斋〉冯、但评衡估》, 《清初文论中的佛学影响》, 《〈文心雕龙〉对〈高僧传〉之影响臆探》, Symbolic Tradition of Chinese Ancient Novel, 《论明清之际小说叙事艺术的发展》, 《中国古代小说宗教描写的人文主义传统》, 《 东坡诗“入务”考论》, 《归庄文学思想述评》, 《闲情背后的隐情》, 《顺康之际文坛的“自娱娱世”之风》, 《元杂剧与佛教》, 《徘徊于“还原”与“建构”之间》, The Confusion and Thinking of Reviving Confucianism, A Forgotten Core Concept: Loyal and Considerate, 《折射士人心态的一面偏光镜》, 《也谈文论“失语”与“话语重建”》, 《学术:公私之间的天空》, 《金庸小说经典化及其他》, Higher Education of Chinese: from Crisis to Opportunity, Classical Chinese: What is it facing,《在改革中加强“大学语文”课程教学》, etc.

His articles, such as 《天津赋》, 《南开百年纪念碑记》, 《大健康赋》, 《盘山警世钟铭》, has gained in popularity and left a mark on the academic community.

The masterpiece above won National and Tianjin Social Science Achievements for many times.

During several decades, he had mentored dozens of doctors and masters, among which there were the winners of National Hundreds of Outstanding Doctoral Papers. The materials compiled by him for undergraduates and postgraduates had been adopted by many universities and colleges.

In addition, he had been awarded the National Outstanding Teachers, National Teaching Achievement Award (1st and 2nd prize), Baosteel Award, experts entitled by the State Council. He also has also been selected in the first National High-level Personnel Special Support Program. 

(Source: official website for School of Literature)