"I enjoyed the breeze in Itoshima and the volcano in Kumamoto Ken, which made my journey worth it. "

Student Profile

Name: Zhang Shengli

College: College of Foreign Languages

Class of 2017

Program at Kyushu University, Japan

My Story

Hello, everyone. I'm Zhang Shengli, a student of Grade 2017 majoring in Japanese from College of Foreign Languages. And I'm also majoring in the Business Administration of Tianjin University. Thanks to the exchange program of the College, I had gone to Kyushu University, Fukuoka-shi of Kyushu in Japan, for exchange study for a year from September, 2019 to August, 2020.Today I want to share my experience of studying abroad that I can't forget for the whole life.

The learning of Japanese and culture of Japan was the core of exchange program that year. However, during the exchange, I also learned some courses about Japanese history, Linguistics and Sociology. In addition, one could choose to study all the courses of all departments except exercise class, class of group discussion and the course of other languages like Chinese. But whether you could pass the exam or not totally depends on yourself. My classmates there mostly chose some courses of literature such as Sociology, Linguistics and History. However, I chose many courses because I really cherished the rare opportunity to study abroad, including Business Administration, Financial Management, Accounting and Sociology. At the end of the semester, they really exhausted me. Moreover, all courses had become online in the 2nd semester because of epidemic. So we lost much fun, which was also a pity.

Besides the daily life of study, the best advantage of studying abroad is that you can make many friends from all over the word. In our JLCC programs, there were classmates from Korea, Turkey, France, Germany, Netherlands, America and so on besides mainland of China, Hong Kong, Taiwan. Everyone there would communicate in Japanese and get along with each other, which was an excellent opportunity for practicing Japanese, broadening our horizons and improving our ability to deal with relationship. The encounter with those classmates is the most valuable treasure in the year of studying abroad.

Fukuoka-shi is evaluated as the most livable city in Asia for many times. The whole island of Kyushu is also rich in tourism resources with the most wonderful scenery. That year, I enjoyed the breeze in Itoshima and the volcano in Kumamoto Ken, which made my journey worth it. You can take account of Kyushu University while think about studying abroad.