

Since its founding in 1919, Nankai University has forged a strong academic reputation. Known as the alma mater of the esteemed Premier Zhou Enlai, it has gathered many academic leaders over the years and inspired generations of students, building a model for higher education in China. Committed to making an impact on society, the university has achieved significant results that have contributed to substantial socio-economic benefits.


Nankai University (NKU) was founded in 1919, by the renowned patriotic educators Zhang Boling and Yan Xiu, who upheld the belief in education as a means to save the nation. During WWII (1937-1945), NKU undertook a perilous journey, trekking thousands of miles southwest across the country to ensure its survival. In Kunming, Yunnan Province, it merged with Peking University and Tsinghua University to form the prestigious National Southwest Associated University. This collaboration brought together many eminent scholars, resulting in the education of numerous leading scientists and patriotic revolutionaries.

In 1946, NKU returned to Tianjin and was re-established as a national university. Zhang Boling held the post of president, and by the 1980s, NKU had evolved into a comprehensive university encompassing liberal arts and sciences.


Following the founding of the People’s Republic of China, Nankai University, with support from both the Ministry of Education and Tianjin Municipal People’s Government, developed into a research-oriented university, included in the key national projects in higher education aimed at building leading universities in China, which are the “985” initiative and the “211” initiative .


In September 2015, NKU opened a new campus, forming a “three-campus” layout for the first time, which includes the Balitai Campus, the Jinnan Campus and the TEDA Campus, collectively covering an area of 4,431,200 m². Specifically, the Balitai Campus occupies 1,216,000 m², the Jinnan Campus covers 2,458,900 m², and the TEDA Campus spans 67,200 m². The total building area of the dormitories is 1,944,900 m².


In September 2017, Nankai University was selected for the Double First-Class initiative alongside 41 other Chinese universities and is expected to achieve the nationally leading level and the internationally advanced level in academic research, faculty strength, international exchange and cooperation, and talent cultivation.


Over the past century, NKU has always been closely linked with the fate of the nation, advancing together with the progress of society. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the development of Nankai University has always received the support from the central leaders. The founding Chairman Mao Zedong inscribed the name of the university and visited the campus in 1958; the first Premier Zhou Enlai returned to NKU, his alma mater, for three times; Deng Xiaoping met with the renowned mathematician Shiing-Shen Chern and authorized the establishment of the Chern Institute of Mathematics at Nankai University; former President Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao also visited Nankai University during their tenure. President Xi Jinping has repeatedly affirmed Nankai's development and has visited Nankai University personally during its centennial celebration.



At Nankai University, the emphasis on public values, capabilities and innovation is at the core of its educational mission. The university provides a quality environment for over 30,000 students, offering the broadest range of disciplines, allowing them ample freedom for academic exploration. The university actively encourages its world-class researchers to participate in undergraduate teaching, resulting in many popular and well-received classes. Now Nankai University comprises 28 colleges, covering a wide array of disciplines, including literature, history, philosophy, economics, management, law, science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, education, arts, etc.


Nankai University boasts six disciplines selected for the national Double First-Class initiative, six first-level disciplines (chemistry, material science and engineering, mathematics, statistics, world history and applied economics) designated as national key disciplines (covering 35 second-level disciplines), nine second-level national key disciplines, and 32 first-level key disciplines in Tianjin. In global discipline evaluation systems, 17 of its disciplines rank within the top 1%, with chemistry, materials science, and engineering science placing in the top 0.1%.


With 84 undergraduate programs, 10 first-level disciplines authorized to offer masters degree programs and 24 spots for offering professional masters degree, 32 first-level disciplines authorized to offer doctoral degree programs and 4 spots for offering professional doctoral degree, Nankai University has one of the most comprehensive academic programs in the country.


Being able to participate in research innovations, Nankai’s undergraduates have won numerous competitions. They are also encouraged to pursue entrepreneurship, and are provided with opportunities to secure funding for their startups.

The university offers diverse platforms for field trips and internships, which enable students to continue learning by applying theories and knowledge in practical settings, thereby enhancing their sense of social commitment. Field trips and social service activities organized by the university also support poverty alleviation in China’s underdeveloped regions, embodying the public spirit ethos that underpins its teaching.


From the founding of NKU to its centennial anniversary, there has always been a group of people committed to scientific research.


Equipped with top academic capability and creative spirit, Nankai University has a high-quality faculty team who possess exceptional professional skills and outstanding teaching abilities. Among the 2,286 faculty members, there are 959 professors and 896 associate professors. Among them, there are 1052 doctoral supervisors, and 795 master’s supervisors. More data of honored scholars are as follows.

  • 13 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Science

  • 3 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering

  • 7 academicians of the World Academy of Sciences

  • 38 leaders of The National Key Research and Development Program of China

  • 37 outstanding young talents  

  • 34 members of Young Talent Support Plan

  • 49 distinguished professors of Cheung Kong Scholars Program

  • 70 recipients of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholar

  • 56 recipients of the National Science Fund for Outstanding Young Scholar

  • 33 candidates of Millions of Talents Project

  • 7 Innovative Research Groups funded by the National Natural Science Foundation

  • 10 Innovation Teams recognized by the Ministry of Education,

  • 2 “Huang Danian-style” teacher teams at the national level

  • 21 experts with outstanding contributions to the country

  • 17 members of Discipline Evaluation Group, Academic Degree Committee of The State Council

  • 40+ chief scientists of the National High Technology Research and Development Program (863 Program) and the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) 

As a national research and teaching center, Nankai has 4 State Key Laboratories, 1 National Key Laboratories, 1 National Engineering Research Center, 1 National and Local Joint Engineering Research Center, 3 “2011 Plan” Collaboration Innovation Centers, 1 Frontier Science Center and over 80 Provincial and Ministerial Research Bases for Natural Sciences. A project led by Academician Zhou Qilin was awarded the First Prize of the National Natural Science Award in 2019. Meanwhile, the university currently has 6 Key Research Bases for Humanities and Social Sciences designated by the Ministry of Education, 1 Laboratory for Philosophy and Social Sciences also under the Ministry of Education, and 1 National Human Rights Education and Training Base, and over 50 Provincial and Ministerial Research Institutions in the humanities and social sciences. The number of entries in the National Philosophy and Social Sciences Achievement Library consistently ranks among the top universities nationwide. A number of outstanding think tanks have become advisory and talent pools for national ministries and local governments.



Elevating Nankai University into the ranks of world-class universities was a core ambition of its founders. In its early years, the university attracted many world-class scholars and produced numerous renowned alumni.

Nankai University has established exchange and collaborative relationships with more than 340 international universities and academic institutions, by carrying out high-level exchanges and cooperation involving scholars and students, as well as implementing joint degree programs and collaborative research initiatives. Each year, over 600 foreign experts conduct teaching and research activities at Nankai, and more than 1,300 international students from over 90 countries and regions are enrolled.


The university has established 9 Confucius Institutes and Chinese language center overseas. It has also co-founded international joint research institutions with the University of Birmingham and other universities. Nankai maintains close ties and deepens substantive cooperation with international organizations such as the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, the World Federation of Engineering Organizations and the World Economic Forum. 


The university has conferred honorary doctorates on 10 internationally renowned individuals. Several Nobel Prize laureates and international political leaders have been appointed as honorary professors at Nankai. Additionally, a number of distinguished scholars, prominent politicians and entrepreneurs from both home and abroad have been appointed as visiting professors and adjunct professors.


(Statistics accurate as of December, 2023)