Nankai University Students Achieved Excellent Results at China Undergraduate Life Sciences Contest


The finals of the China Undergraduate Life Sciences Contest (CULSC) (2022, Scientific Inquiry) was recently held online. Under the guidance of An Jun, a lecturer from the College of Life Sciences of NKU, the project "Implantation of Small-caliber Artificial Vascular Stent with Anticoagulant Properties in Animals and Its Performance Evaluation" completed by undergraduates Ouyang Han, Ma Jiawei, Cheng Tianyang and Qu Dazhi won the first prize. Under the guidance of Ruan Weibin, a researcher also from the College of Life Sciences of NKU, the project "Species Identification of Nematodes in Wood Borer Cossidae and Ecological Function Evaluation" completed by undergraduates Chen Lingshuang, Wen Ni and Xu Renhao won the third prize.

The CULSC is one of the 56 national discipline competitions for undergraduates recognized by the Ministry of Education. The contest attracted 8,614 teams from 528 universities across the country this year.

(Edited and translated by Nankai News Team)