NKU Professor Zhang Tong Won the James J. Morgan Early Career Award


The result of the 2023 James J. Morgan Early Career Award, jointly selected by American Chemical Society and Environmental Science & Technology, a top international journal in the field of environment, etc., were officially announced on December 7. Prof. Zhang Tong from the College of Environmental Science and Engineering of Nankai University was among the winners.

James J. Morgan Early Career Award recognizes young scientists who have made breakthroughs in sustainable development with new perspectives and approaches, and made groundbreaking innovations in addressing global environmental problems. This annual award is presented to no more than 4 winners worldwide. Professor Zhang is widely regarded as a rising star in the field of environmental science and engineering with an unusual capacity to conduct multidisciplinary research. 

Zhang Tong is a professor and doctoral supervisor at Nankai University, and Deputy Director of Tianjin Key Laboratory of Environmental Remediation and Pollution Control. She previously studied and worked at Tsinghua University, Cornell University, Duke University, Harvard University, and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Her research interests include soil pollution and remediation chemistry, and her rich research findings in the environmental geochemical behavior and biological effects of heavy metal elements, the principles of in-situ remediation technology for soil and groundwater pollution, etc. were published in academic journals such as Science, Nature Geoscience, Nature Communications, and Environmental Science & Technology.

(Edited and translated by Nankai News Team)