NKU Scholars Proposed Stability Analysis Approach for Big Data-Based Perovskite Solar Cells


Recently, the research group led by Professor Luo Jingshan of the Institute of Optoelectronic Thin Film Devices and Technology, College of Electronic Information and Optical Engineering of Nankai University, proposed unified indicators that can be used for the stability data evaluation of perovskite solar cells under different test conditions, and statistically analyzed more than 7000 sets of stability data in the open database Perovskite Database, as well as explored the effects of different perovskite components and device structures on device stability. The results were published in the world-renowned academic journal Nature Communications under the title "Big data driven perovskite solar cell stability analysis". 

Figures above: a. General device structure of perovskite solar cells. b. Distribution of test criteria for stability data recorded in the database. c. Two typical attenuation curves for efficiency of perovskite solar cells.

Based on the concept of acceleration factor used in the accelerated aging tests on organic solar cells and perovskite solar cells, Professor Luo Jingshan's research team proposed the unified stability description index TS80m, which can normalize the stability data tested under different conditions and recorded in different ways to the same criteria. After this index was used to normalize the 7,419 sets of stability data in Perovskite Database, the team performed the data visualization and statistical analysis, and obtained the statistical rules of the effects of different perovskite components and device structures on stability. 

Figures above: relationship between device stability and tolerance factor. a. Heat map of the number of devices recorded in the database relating to tolerance factor and article publication date. b. Heat map of the optimal stability of device (TS80m value) recorded in the database relating to tolerance factor and article publication date. c. Graph of kernel density estimation of TS80m value of the device under different tolerance factors. d. Ratio of TS80m values of devices under different tolerance factors (calculated using hypothesis testing method). 

In summary, this study proposed a unified stability description index for perovskite solar cells, and applied statistical methods to perovskite stability assessment based on big data, providing important reference significance for exploring the stability enhancement strategy for perovskite solar cells.

The first author of the paper is the doctoral student Zhang Zhuang, and the corresponding author is Professor Luo Jingshan. The study was assisted and supervised by T. Jesper Jacobsson, a distinguished research fellow. 

Link to the paper: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-35400-4

(Edited and translated by Nankai News Team)