NKU’s Research Results Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)


Recently, Professor Li Jianbiao of the China Institute of Corporate Governance of Nankai University published a collaborative paper entitled “Confusion can not explain cooperative behavior in public goods games” in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) as the co-first and corresponding author. China Institute of Corporate Governance of Nankai University is the employer of the co-first author and corresponding author. 

Regarding the “confused learner” hypothesis (CLH), this study conducted interdisciplinary research through multiple sets of experiments and re-examined the motivation for collaboration: cleverly separated cognitive understanding and action practice for the first time, reaffirmed the role of social preference in driving human cooperation, deeply analyzed the motivation of human cooperation in the human-machine game, and identified the main motivation of social norms. 

The anonymous reviewer of the paper noted that the paper contributes to a highly relevant discussion in experimental economics. Since the interpretation of behavioral results in public goods games is highly policy-relevant, this discussion is also important outside of experimental economics. The design of the experiment is good……


PNAS is recognized as one of the world’s top four science journals (Cell, Nature, Science, PNAS). Science reported for the first time on the research work of the China Institute of Corporate Governance of Nankai University in 2019, when Nankai University celebrated its centennial anniversary. Professor Li Jianbiao’s collaborative paper is the first scientific research result published in PNAS by a researcher from the China Institute of Corporate Governance.



(Edited and translated by Nankai News Team.)