The Launch Meeting of the First “China Collegiate Computing Contest - AIGC Innovation Competition” Held in Tianjin


The first “China Collegiate Computing Contest - AIGC Innovation Competition”, sponsored by the Computer Education Research Association of Chinese Universities and jointly organized by Nankai University and vivo was launched at Tiankai Higher Education Innovation Park. This competition, as a part of “China Colligate Computing Contest”, aims to improve students’ professional knowledge in the field of AIGC, application scenario innovation and ability to use large-scale AI models for creation.

Gong Ke, Executive Dean of the Chinese Institute of New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Strategies and former President of Nankai University; Yang Kexin, Executive Vice Chancellor of Nankai University; Shi Yang, Secretary General of the Organizing Committee of China Colligate Computing Contest; Zhou Wei, Vice President of vivo; and Chen Shengyong, Vice President of Tianjin University of Technology, attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches. 

Yang Kexin, Gong Ke, Shi Yang, Zhou Wei, and Chen Shengyong delivered speeches at the conference.

The competition is divided into seven divisions. Students from domestic universities can form teams across grades, specialties, universities and divisions. Contribution solicitation will start on April 8, and the final defense and performance are expected to be held in late September. The questions are divided into application questions and creation questions. Application questions focus on practical application development and the translation of students’ creativity into practical AI application solutions. Creation questions test the imagination and creativity of contestants, who need to use tools such as Lanxin Qianxun and Miaobi Shenghua to produce complete creative works. The competition is expected to draw 50,000 students in 6,000 participating teams from over 350 universities across the country, including 100 double first-class universities. The first, second and third prizes will be evaluated and awarded according to the final ranking. There are five first prizes for the application questions, with a bonus of 50,000 yuan. 

At the ceremony, Gong Ke, Yang Kexin, Shi Yang, Zhou Wei, Chen Shengyong jointly lit the competition launch device.

It is learned that the “China Collegiate Computing Contest”, founded in 2016, has had a wide and far-reaching influence. The AIGC Innovation Competition, as the latest competition module of the Contest, relies on vivo’s self-developed Lanxin large-scale model matrix as the technical foundation to aid AIGC application innovation and content creation. It works with young developers to promote the rapid development of cutting-edge large-scale model technology and the emergence of new productive forces. 

(Edited and translated by Nankai News Team.)