Recently, an important progress was made by the research group led by Wu Li and Kong Yongfa from the team led by Professor Xu Jingjun from the School of Physics at Nankai University. A high temperature long persistent luminescence (HT-LPL) material with a duration time of more than 8 hours at 423 K was sucesssfully prepared by constructing quasi-continuous defect levels. The relevant results are titled Quasi-Continuous Defect Levels in Broadband Gap: A New Strategy for High Temperature Long Pers
Recently, theresearch team led by Professor Jingshan Luo of the College of Electronic Information and Optical Engineering at Nankai University published the latest research resultsin the field of the photoelectrocatalytic water splitting for hydrogen production in the internationally renowned journal Nature Communications. The research team introduced dual buffer layers using atomic layer deposition (ALD) to significantly improve the photovoltage of the Cu2O photocathode.Professor Jingshan Luo h
The certificate presentation ceremony for first batchfellows of the Chinese Society for Biomaterials (CSBM) was held at the opening ceremony of the 2023 Chinese Biomaterials Congress. The 46 first batchfellows were officially awarded the highest lifetime honorary title of the CSBM. Professor Kong Deling of the College of Life Sciences of Nankai University was awarded the honor.Fellow of the Chinese Society for Biomaterials (FCSBM) is the highest lifetime honorary title for its members. It was se
Recently, Professor Zhang Yis research team from Nankai University - College of Electronic Information and Optical Engineering published the latest research results in the field of Sb2(S,Se)3thin-film solar cells with the title Lowest Open-Circuit Voltage Deficit Achievement to Attain High Efficient Antimony Selenosulfide Solar Cells in the well-known international journal Advanced Functional Materials. The research team achieved the lowest open-circuit voltage deficit for Sb2(S,Se)3thin-film so
In the latest piece of research, Professor Hu, Zhenpengs team from Nankai University proposed a new material, namely, bilayer Kagome borophene (BK-boropnene), which exhibits both traditional and higher-order van Hove singularities near the Fermi levelwith a Fermi velocity surpassing even that of graphene. This structure will provide a new platform for researchesin quantum material systems and other fields. The relevant paper was published in Advanced Science, a famous international journal.The K
Professor Wang Yu-Ming from the School of Physics at Nankai University in collaboration with with a postdoctoral researcher (Cui Bo-Yan) and two doctoral students (Huang Yong-Kang and Zhao Xue-Chen), computed for the first time the next-to-leading-order (NLO) QCD corrections to the form factors at large hadronic recoil. Both the charm-quark-mass- and the strange-quark-mass-dependent pieces could generate the leading-power contributions to these form factors. This is widely considered as a true t
Recently, a research paper entitled “Genetically engineered mesenchymal stem cells as a nitric oxide reservoir for acute kidney injury therapy” co-authored by Li Zongjin of the School of Medicine of Nankai University and Zhao Qiang of the College of Life Sciences was published in eLife, a world-renowned academic journal. Under this study, a nitric oxide (NO) gas molecule delivery system based on engineered mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) was developed for the first time, which achievedthe controll
Recently, Environmental Science Technology Letters(EST Letters), a well-known journal in the field of environmental science and technology run by the American Chemical Society (ACS), announced the list of the 2022 Best Paper Award winners. The paper entitled “Revealing Drivers of Haze Pollution by Explainable Machine Learning” by the team led by Professor Yinchang Feng from the College of Environmental Science and Engineering of Nankai University won the 2022 EST Letters Best Paper Award. The b
Accordingtomodern physics, our universe is believed to have originated from a big bang, during which an exactly equal amount of matter and anti-matter was produced. However, various of experimental evidences indicate that the current universe is dominated by matter rather than anti-matter. In order to explain the asymmetry, Sakharov proposed thefamous Three Rules in 1967, pointing out that the baryon number (B) violation plays a key role in resolving this puzzle. To this day, extensive research
Accordingtomodern physics, our universe is believed to have originated from a big bang, during which an exactly equal amount of matter and anti-matter was produced. However, various of experimental evidences indicate that the current universe is dominated by matter rather than anti-matter. In order to explain the asymmetry, Sakharov proposed thefamous Three Rules in 1967, pointing out that the baryon number (B) violation plays a key role in resolving this puzzle. To this day, extensive research
Recently, Associate Professor Chen Xudong from School of Physics of Nankai University, Professor Lu Tongbu from Tianjin University of Technology, and Academician Zhang Jin from Peking University, who were listed as co-corresponding authors, published the latest research results of novel retinal morphology devices for integrated sensing and computing on the internationally renowned journal Science Advances. The team realized nonvolatile linear modulation of responsivity in positive and negative r
Recently, the finals of the 4th National College Students Chemical Experiment Innovation Design Competition took place at Zhejiang University. The project “In situ Raman spectroscopy for exploring the photodegradation mechanism and kinetics of photosensitive substances” completed by undergraduates Wang Ruqi, Tang Jianqi and Yu Zecong under the guidance of Wang Jing, a teacher of the College of Chemistry, Nankai University, won the grand prize. This is the fourth consecutive year that Nankai Univ
(a) Schematic diagram of structure and (b) certified efficiency diagram of “indium-lessand silver-free” SHJ solar cellsThe research group led by Professor Xiaodan Zhang and Professor Ying Zhao of the College of Electronic Information and Optical Engineering of Nankai University, in collaboration with Suzhou Maxwell Technology Co., Ltd. and SunDrive Solar Pty. Ltd. which is an Australian metallization technology company, prepared cheap and mass-producible undoped tin oxide (SnOx) electrode materi
Figure 1: (a-c) Schematic diagrams of two solitons and one dispersive wave forming a pulse complex through nonlinear interaction; (d-e) experimentally realized pulse complex: (d) temporal and (e) spectral profiles.A research team at the School of Physics, Nankai University designed and observed a localized state formed by the nonlinear binding of multiple pulses based on an optical analog to the concept of negative mass, and experimentally demonstrated the stability of the resulting pulse comple
The “Symposium on Interfacial Chemical Behavior of Pollutants” took place in Tianjin from August 21 to 23. The eventwas funded by the “Science and Technology Special Project” of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and organized by the College of Environmental Science and Engineering of Nankai University. Chen Yulu, President of Nankai University, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.Chen Yulu extended a warm welcome to all the participants. He said that tackling climate chang